dimanche 31 août 2008

Here is a link to Gero's show ping!

Gero is a shopaholic, a dj, in other words , a material girl!


vendredi 29 août 2008

lulu is getting married

tomorrow is the Big DAY
now she's trying on her last outfits.
i do the comments.
i'm excited and happy for her and a bit blue in the same time.
we'll see tomorrow!

mardi 26 août 2008


here's the gooood blog of my Finnish friend Teemu ,more mature than ours of course, but the name is almost like ours! www.otraluna.blogspot.com : for all Brasilian sounds lovers ! check it out !

back in a place we call home

After arriving in downtown Beijing, breathing 
the surprisingly fresh blue air, i felt back home immediately;)

seeing my friends back and smoking zhongnanhai, zooming in the taxi

This would be kind of a special trip: a back to china holiday to see the olympics with my parents, organising a street party for the losers of the games in a place called home and climbing the subtropic mountains of fujian province, Wuyishan.


a stadium

fucking damned glory, would Tere call it, I recorded her sounds
and saved some images


Home Shop Series # 1: Games 2008 

My friend Elaine Ho, who is doing this intruiging art blog project iwishicoulddescribeitbettertoyou.org with counterparts in Berlin, Vienna, NY and some other places, organised a series of public private community events called Homeshop series #1: Games 2008.

On www.iwishicoulddescribeitbettertoyou.org/enountersleftovers  you can find more on what this Homeshop series is all about. 

We came up with the idea to throw sort of a street party for the losers of the Games. 
A bunch of people came: friends, neighbours, journalists... we played games, had two olympic tickets to give away to the most average player on the wii games that night. An ayi got it, she was all happy and we as well.

The police called Elaine's landlord, nothing serious, we were just to loud; then we put down the music, and watched some documentaries and short films of Ralf Schmerberg, Elaine Ho, Cao Kai and Renbo.


i've got lices !
check your pillows !!!!!

vendredi 22 août 2008

that's where i'm going tonight!

Dead J's new stuffs

Dead J's new album : Psychedelic Elephant will be released in September on Modern Sky.

Below is an article on chinese about his last collaboration with drama director Mengjinghui and some previews on his album.

Dead J配乐新版《恋爱的犀牛》 新专辑预计9月出炉

由中国国家话剧院出品的先锋戏剧经典《恋爱的犀牛》69日起在蜂巢剧场进行了新版演出。此版演出,孟京辉特邀国内著名电子乐制作人 Dead J(邵彦棚)作为音乐监制,运用了非洲鼓,手风琴和前卫的电子乐,给《恋爱的犀牛》加入了许多令人耳目一新的声音。

Dead J(邵彦棚)曾经在06年孟京辉的先锋诗剧《镜花水月》中就担当过音乐设计和作曲,更早的《迷宫》《魔山》他也曾参与其中。谈到与孟京辉的合作,Dead J说,“很佩服他异于常人的想象力和创造力。与他的合作就是创新、颠覆,再创新再颠覆的过程。在这个循环往复的过程中,慢慢就会有对音乐,对戏剧更深的感悟,这对我个人的创作也有很大帮助。”

对于这次全新的《恋爱的犀牛》的配乐,Dead J说,“这次运用了许多以前没有用过的音乐元素。在音乐设计中,新的音乐会有两个线条的质感——“空”和“厚”。空代表的是意境,厚代表的是力量,力量的出现更多是为了添补原剧的音乐中所缺少的一些感觉。我希望新的音乐能让《恋爱的犀牛》更丰富和饱满。” 被问及对于戏剧音乐创作的独特之处时,Dead J说,“戏剧音乐不是一个独立的存在。它是舞台的一部分,是舞台的延伸,可以让观众感受到一个实体所达不到的空间。我希望对于观众,在观看的这两个小时内能够沉浸其中,我们的音乐能给你带来一次美妙的体验。”

同时,邵彦棚(Dead J)的全新专辑也在紧张的后期制作中,预计9月由“摩登天空”发行,此次新专辑是CD+DVD的套装形式,DVD的内容是影象艺术家盛洁为新专辑制作的视觉作品

Poesiloe shows me around

I got to Helsinki on the 20th.

I was in the same plane than Dorothée , the lead singer and guitarist of Hopper (www.myspace.com/wearehopper) . they played in China in april or may or something i forgot when but i really digged their show at Mao live.
She's gonna be playing with The Do (www.myspace.com/thedoband) in the next days, but i'll be gone by then but Pauline, you should check them out.

I stay at Poesiloe's , Helsinki's funniest-craziest-nicest guy. He wears glasses that are archives from the social services of USSR or something.
He and Antti came to pick me up at the airport, which was super nice and on the first night Poesiloe decided that we should go to Tallinn ,the capital of Estonia the next day! and we did it!

We woke up early with a slight hang over , runned to the ferry terminal and 1 and a half hour after we were in the beautiful little town of Tallin, which made me think of a mix between old Prussia, Italy , and North Carolina ... yeah the architecture is pretty interesting there.

The old city is full of tourist and local teenagers making their summer pocket money dressed as medieval lads and selling medievally made candies.

After visiting the museum of torture instruments we had a heavy meal at a ukrainian restaurant where they had just the same food as in Yabaolu or Traktiir , which made me think of China of course.
after my baked salmon i could hardly move and i felt horrible when we saw how estonians got into fitness and wellness and stupid outdoor sports since their independance, while we crossed the main park to go to Muku the contemporary art museum. There were tons of women all dressed in plastic clothes walking around with ski sticks.... pppffff....
when we got to Kumu it was already closed of course .We realized that we had spent way too long at the Depeche Mode bar in between the ukrainian salmon and the park... but i didn't have any regret for the Depeche mode bar was quite something! there was a woman there, a complete freak&fan of DM dancing like she was on amphetamines in the middle of the stinky dancefloor, she knew and loved ALL the songs.
I asked to the unfriendly bartender to play "everything counts" for me , i was very happy .

We walked back to the pier , it was half raining half sun-shining so a rainbow showed up on the sea, it was beautifull.

samedi 16 août 2008

big big french drama

today we had a mission together with my dad: go down to the cave, arrange the mess of boxes a bit and try to put a hand on some old pics. We decided to get rid of an empty cardboard box that i took out from a shelve and handed to my dad who slightly pushed it towards the wine shelf.And then in 10 seconds time, the shelf collapse and the whole cellar fell down in a terrible sound of shattered glass and the voice of my sorry dad almost crying....
16 bottles of good Chinon just disappeared in front of our eyes and we couldn't do nothing....
fortunately the magnum of Champagne millésimé and the bottle of Chaumes Arnaud 1997 stayed intact!
we spent one hour cleaning the cave , getting rid of the pieces of glass and evacuating rivers and rivers of red wine ...
it was kind of sad but afterwards we just submited to our fate and went back to the appartment to clean our stained clothes.
then we went out to a café to get a drink after this long day , i ordered a glass of sancerre that two minutes after i shattered on the ground in front of everyone....pppffff....

Here we go

this blog is a correspondance platform used by Léo & Pauline and whoever wants to chit chat and comment on life, music, art, food, cats and more...
Leo & Pauline are two girlfriends-partners-collaborators-selecta djs-that met in the holy land of potato chips : Belgium (and not UK or France as many believe), and lived together in Beijing China from 2004 to 2007.
Leo is still based in Beijing and Pauline moved to Berlin (of course) in January.
Tired of msn, facebook and myspace they decided to do this blog.